It's story time. This is a tale about an individual that has been looking to be a part of a movement. To work with purpose.
That person is me. And if you're honest, it's you too.
We spend about 1/3 of our lives at work. We want it to mean something.
After graduation, I had incredible aspirations. They were to change the world. (They still are.)
Then I entered the workforce. And the work sucked those dreams right out of me. I began to think I was just a gear inside a machine, cranking out products and services with no end in sight.
But then something shifted. I heard our CEO talk to us about why we do what we do. And he said something I'll never forget;
"What we do helps teams feel as though they are part of something bigger than themselves."
And that's when it clicked. I began working with purpose. I realized that I was part of that "bigger picture". I was contributing to something that was changing people's lives.
That is why I love branding.
It takes what is intangible, a company's mission, vision, and values, embodies in flesh and bone, and then shines a spotlight on it so that people all around can take part in the narrative.
And with 70% of employees saying their purpose is defined by their work, it's an amazing opportunity to engage your people and create incredible meaning.
Don't let the monotony of work distract you from creating incredible meaning and purpose in what you spend so much of your life doing.
Create meaning by working with purpose.
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood